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Primary 4 | Maths
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Primary 4 chevron_right Maths chevron_right Singapore

Is there a way to solve without using variables?( For instance: Number of books = A, Number of stool = 33-A and then solve. )

Date Posted: 11 months ago
Views: 175
Meldrick Kuan
Meldrick Kuan
11 months ago
No there isn’t. For this case, it make sense to use variables to solve this question.
Erfana Beevee Binte Hassan Shariff
Erfana Beevee Binte Hassan Shariff
11 months ago
Yes you can. Use guess and check method smartly, and you can solve within 3 tries. First, let the number of stools be 16 and books be 17. (Start from half first). From there, see which of it should be increased or decreased to get the total amount.
11 months ago
Do you mean like this:

Number of stools = x
Number of books = 33-x

8x + 5(33-x) = 204
Solving for x we get 13

But this is a P4 , term 2 question. AFAIK they have not learnt inverse operations / solving for variables yet in syllabus.

Just wondering if there’s any other way to solve this at P4 level.
11 months ago
Erfana Beevee Binte Hassan Shariff
Erfana Beevee Binte Hassan Shariff
11 months ago
P4 has not learnt algebra method. Algebra is only used in secondary level. Guess and check method is one of the heuristics students learn in primary math.
For guess and check, always start by halving the number of items. From there, you can see if you have to increase the item that cost more or increase the item that cost less.

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Erfana Beevee Binte Hassan Shariff
Erfana Beevee Binte Hassan Shariff's answer
275 answers (Tutor Details)
When we approximately half the number of stools and books, we get 216, which is slightly more than 204. So we reduce the item that cost more, which is the stool. We try 15 stools and 18 books. Remember, total items must add up to 33. Then we get 210. Slightly more than 204. So we reduce the number of stools further. Hope this helps.
11 months ago
Thank you!