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secondary 3 | A Maths
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secondary 3 chevron_right A Maths chevron_right Singapore

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Date Posted: 9 months ago
Views: 97

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Erfana Beevee Binte Hassan Shariff
Erfana Beevee Binte Hassan Shariff's answer
275 answers (Tutor Details)
We start with RHS and simplify. Hope this helps.
9 months ago
Thank you very much
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Erfana Beevee Binte Hassan Shariff
Erfana Beevee Binte Hassan Shariff's answer
275 answers (Tutor Details)
We start with LHS as it is more complicated. We change cos 2A to that which has sin A in it since the denominator has sin A and we are trying to show something that has sin A. So, we do not want to have any cos A as we simplify.
Hope this helps.
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Erfana Beevee Binte Hassan Shariff
Erfana Beevee Binte Hassan Shariff's answer
275 answers (Tutor Details)
We start with LHS since it is more complicated. Since we are trying to show RHS which has only sin A involved, we ‘get rid’ of anything that has cos A in it.
Hope this helps.