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Secondary 1 | Maths
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i dont understand why need to make the 2 to the power of 4 to 2 to the power of 6 like we cant we oni times one time and 6 is not cube root oso
Example : a³ x b⁶ x c⁹
For this question,
2⁴ x 3² x 7² X k
The only way to make it to
2⁶ x 3³ x 7³ for perfect cube.
So k = 3 x 7
Cause ⁴ x 3² x 7² x (3 x 7) = 2⁶ x 3³ x 7³
index notation must be in multiple of 2.
Example: a² x b⁴ x c⁶ X d²
Hence 2³ = 8 when ³√8 =2 so, index notation of 2 must be in multiple of 3, I.e:2³
Same for perfect square,when a number √ = a whole number, example √16 = 4 or √144 = 12.
Hence, 16 = 4², so √16 = 4 whole number.
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