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primary 6 | Maths | Fractions
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Jacob Lee
Jacob Lee

primary 6 chevron_right Maths chevron_right Fractions chevron_right Singapore

Hi everyone, I need help with this maths question. I would really appreciate your help.

Date Posted: 8 months ago
Views: 154

See 2 Answers

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Cheryl's answer
14 answers (A Helpful Person)
Given that you know he read finish the book in 20 days (after reading 312 pages), you can find the TOTAL PAGES of the book.

But since you don’t know how many pages he read daily, you can use x (algebra) to represent and form your equation.

Then, make use of the next information the question gives you. Which is he read finish 1/12 of the book in 6 days. Given you know the TOTAL PAGES, you can calculate what is 1/12 of the book.
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Tayng's answer
1093 answers (A Helpful Person)