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primary 5 | Maths
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Ashley ong
Ashley Ong

primary 5 chevron_right Maths chevron_right Singapore

Helping my friend's child to ask. Thanks again!

Date Posted: 9 months ago
Views: 250
AC Lim
AC Lim
9 months ago
Assumption method.
Assumed all answer correct, total points score = 20×6=120
Point exceeded = 120-0=120
Each question point difference= 6+4 =10
Therefore, questions answered wrongly=120÷10 =12 questions.
So, questions answer correctly= 20-12 =8 questions.

b) For each number of correct and wrong answered question, the point gain is 6-4=2point
(Example, answered 2 questions with 1 correct and 1 wrong, point gain is 6-4 =2points)
2 points → 2 questions answered.
16 points → 16 questions answered.
Questions not answered = 20 - 16 = 4 questions.

Hope this helps

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