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secondary 4 | A Maths
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geraldine l
Geraldine L

secondary 4 chevron_right A Maths chevron_right Singapore

hi is the answer A or C? and why is one of the two wrong?

Date Posted: 8 months ago
Views: 160
Eric Nicholas K
Eric Nicholas K
8 months ago
At -150, the molecules of oxygen…

…would sound more correct than “the atoms of oxygen”.

Option C looks better, but I have a different interpretation of “reached”. I could say that the temperature JUST reached -219, in which solid state is obviously not present (since no freezing has taken place yet), so option C can also be risky.

But then, if given a choice, option C would be better than option A. I think the question intended for “reached” to mean “already reached” rather than “just reached”.

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It should be molecules of oxygen as oxygen gas exists as O2 molecules

Hence the answer is C
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