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Primary 4 | Maths
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Joyce Chang
Joyce Chang

Primary 4 chevron_right Maths

I Have no idea how to solve this

Date Posted: 7 years ago
Views: 609

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Hope you can understand the reason
Joyce Chang
Joyce Chang
7 years ago
Hey thanks!
Joyce Chang
Joyce Chang
7 years ago
Thank you so much!
7 years ago
Thank u so much
7 years ago
Sir mam
I have few more doubts.Gilian bought some buns and cakes for 15.25.a bun and a cake cost 2 altogether and each cake cost 1.25.she bought one more cake than buns.hoe many buns did Gilian buy?
Joyce Chang
Joyce Chang
7 years ago
- 7 buns.
Each cake cost 1.25, and there is 1 more cake than bun.
So if Gillian bought equal number of cakes and buns, it will cost her 15.25-1.25 = 14.
Each cake + bun cost $2. $14 worth of cakes and buns means 14 / 2 = 7 sets of cakes and buns
Therefore, 7 buns