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primary 5 | Maths
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Nurul Shafira
Nurul Shafira

primary 5 chevron_right Maths

Help me question 17

Date Posted: 7 years ago
Views: 473

See 2 Answers

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Edward Chu Gao Xi
Edward Chu Gao Xi's answer
198 answers (Tutor Details)
Nurul Shafira
Nurul Shafira
7 years ago
Thank you so much for helping me appreciate
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Xavier Pan
Xavier Pan's answer
1 answers (A Helpful Person)
Answer is 574 as you have to round off to the biggest whole number
If you put anything highest will round nupp instead.
Your answer I wrong cause it is not the largest number and it is not a whole number as it has a decimal point (0.9)
If they ask for biggest always round down but for smallest always round up instead