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primary 5 | Maths
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primary 5 chevron_right Maths

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Date Posted: 7 years ago
Views: 440
Saajid Rehman
Saajid Rehman
7 years ago
a)To find out the prescence of Carbon Dioxide.
Ooi Thaim Seng
Ooi Thaim Seng
7 years ago
1.The limewater is used to test for the presence of carbon dioxide when a living thing respires.
2. The limewater turns chalky.
3. The limewater remains clear.
4. Jar A: The mouse in Jar A respires and gives off carbon dioxide. The carbon dioxide interacted with the limewater and caused it to turn chalky.
Jar B As the toy mouse is a non-living thing, it does not respire. No carbon dioxide is given off and the limewater remains clear.
5. When Latiff blew into the limewater, the carbon dioxide given out interacts with the limewater and caused it to turn chalky.
Ooi Thaim Seng
Ooi Thaim Seng
7 years ago
1.The limewater is used to test for the presence of carbon dioxide when a living thing respires.
2. The limewater turns chalky.
3. The limewater remains clear.
4. Jar A: The mouse in Jar A respires and gives off carbon dioxide. The carbon dioxide interacted with the limewater and caused it to turn chalky.
Jar B As the toy mouse is a non-living thing, it does not respire. No carbon dioxide is given off and the limewater remains clear.
5. When Latiff blew into the limewater, the carbon dioxide given out interacts with the limewater and caused it to turn chalky.

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