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primary 6 | Maths | Fractions
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primary 6 chevron_right Maths chevron_right Fractions chevron_right Singapore


Date Posted: 10 months ago
Views: 152
10 months ago
1 - 2/7 = 5/7 (remaining emails that are not work-related, expressed as a fraction of the total emails)

1 - 7/10 = 3/10 (fraction of the remaining emails that are not from friends)

5/7 × 3/10 = 1/7 × 3/2 = 3/14 (remaining emails that are not from friends, expressed as a fraction of the total emails)

3/14 × 3/4 = 9/56 (remaining emails that are advertisements, expressed as a fraction of total emails)

2/7 - 9/56 = 16/56 - 9/56 = 7/56 = 1/8

The difference between number of work emails and advertisements is 1/8 of the total emails.

Total emails = 14 × 8 = 112
10 months ago
Check :

112 × 2/7 = 32 (number of work-related emails)

112 - 32 = 80
112 × 5/7 = 80
(Remaining emails)

80 × 7/10 = 56
(remaining emails that are from friends)

80 - 56 = 24
112 × 3/14 = 24

(remaining emails that are not from friends)

24 × 3/4 = 18 (remaining emails that are advertisements)

32 - 18 = 14 ✓

See 2 Answers

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Xavier Sng
Xavier Sng's answer
801 answers (A Helpful Person)
Hope this helps. The question is not well set. There are two "remaining emails" mentioned. The first came about after subtracting work-related emails from the grand total. The second came into being after subtracting emails from friends from the first remainder. The setter had not taken the pain to make these clear. Regards
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Sstrike's answer
5370 answers (A Helpful Person)