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secondary 3 | A Maths
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secondary 3 chevron_right A Maths chevron_right Singapore

Problem sum

Date Posted: 1 year ago
Views: 93

See 1 Answer

The time taken to double any initial amount on the said compounded interest rate is the same. The exponential term is the multiplier, and is only dependant on the length of time and the compound interest rate concerned. It is totally independent of the initial amount.
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Xavier Sng
Xavier Sng's answer
801 answers (A Helpful Person)
1 year ago
Thank you for the solution.
Xavier Sng
Xavier Sng
1 year ago
My pleasure, and you have a good one. Regards
1 year ago
Oops...just realized that the middle portion got it alright for you to retype here?
Xavier Sng
Xavier Sng
1 year ago
Sure, of course.

The time required to double an initial amount, tied to a given compounded interest rate, is the same regardless of the quantum of the initial amount. The exponential term used in equation is a multiplier. It is dependent on two things: the compound interest rate and the duration of the investment. The value of the initial amount does not affect the final value of the exponential term.
1 year ago
Thank you for your help.
Xavier Sng
Xavier Sng
1 year ago
Nothing to it. Regards