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primary 5 | Maths | Whole Numbers
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primary 5 chevron_right Maths chevron_right Whole Numbers chevron_right Singapore

Why answer week 4? The amount is on week 4 is $84 u can get $82 before week 4 hence week 3?

Date Posted: 1 year ago
Views: 124
1 year ago
Think it depends on the question.
If the money is saved on a daily basis and the person saves the same amount of monthly weekly then yes it is week 3.
If the money is saved all at one shot on one dah of the week then the answer is week 4.
Would say this question is kinda badly phrased.

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The y axis , each line represents $4

Week 3 the dot is on $76
Week 4 the dot is on $84

Since the present cost $82, hence, aminah can buy on week 4 only
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Nur's answer
141 answers (Tutor Details)
1 year ago
So the line btw week 3 and 4 means nothing? Meaning aminah does not have the money?
1 year ago
by right aminah can only get the present between week 3 and week 4. but the question wants you to specify a certain week. since she cannot buy the present in week 3, she has to buy in week 4. (answer cannot be week 3.2 or 3.5 mah)