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Primary 4 | Maths
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Primary 4 chevron_right Maths chevron_right Singapore


Date Posted: 1 year ago
Views: 217

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Low Yi Yin
Low Yi Yin's answer
251 answers (Tutor Details)
Total remains the same. Make the units for total the same for the two different ratios. Hope this helps! ;))
1 year ago
Thanks! P4 did not learn ratio yet, are you able to solve it by drawing models?
Low Yi Yin
Low Yi Yin
1 year ago
No problem, I've just uploaded the model version below this ANS. ;))
1 year ago
Thank you!!
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Low Yi Yin
Low Yi Yin's answer
251 answers (Tutor Details)
Divide the units for before and after models such that the total is the same (12u). This then allows you to compare the change. (+/- 7u) I recommend doing ratio method (after you learn it) because it is quite time-consuming to draw models during exams. Hope this helps! ;))