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primary 6 | Maths | Fractions
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Fractions question

Date Posted: 1 year ago
Views: 377
Eric Nicholas K
Eric Nicholas K
1 year ago
I won't be able to draw model here as the chat box does not allow me to draw models.

Andy is able to give either 1/3 or 1/2 of his share to Ben. So, Andy's number of stamps must be divisible by both 3 and 2.

What number is divisible by 3 and 2? Maybe...6?


Let's say Andy starts out with 6 units.
Andy gives 1/3 of his share, or simply 2 units, to Ben.

So, in the first model, Andy has 4 units.


If Andy were to give 1/2 of his share to Ben, he is essentially giving away 3 units to Ben, so that Andy only has 3 units left.

So in the second model, Andy has 3 units, which is basically 1 unit fewer than in the first model. Ben will also gain this 1 unit.


In the process from the first model to the second model,

- Andy loses 1 unit
- Ben also gains 1 unit
- This means that the gap between Andy and Ben widens by 2 units

The 2 units of widening is the reason why Ben's "advantage" increases from 20 stamps to 50 stamps, or basically an extra 30 stamps.

2 units = 30 stamps
1 unit = 15 stamps
6 units = 90 stamps

So, Andy has 90 stamps.

You can easily check from here that Ben will have 50 stamps at first, and you can verify your answer accordingly.
1 year ago
Thank you very much.
1 year ago
Ans: 90

½ , ⅓
LCM(2,3) → 6
3 - 2 = 1
2×1 = 2
2u = 50-20= 30
6u = 90 (Ans)

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