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secondary 3 | E Maths
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secondary 3 chevron_right E Maths chevron_right Singapore

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Date Posted: 1 year ago
Views: 194

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a) Assume time is T

T= 5300÷x = 5300/x hrs

b) Since the aircraft flew 20km/h slower, its average speed is now (x-20)km/h

As such the time taken is now 5300/(x-20)

c) Since return trip is slower:

5300/(x-20) -1/5 = 5300/x
26500/(x-20) - 1 = 26500/x
1= 26500/(x-20) - 26500/x
x²-20x=26500x - 26500x + 530000
x²-20x= 530000
x²-20x-530000=0 (shown)
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