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secondary 3 | A Maths
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Ang Tiong Boon
Ang Tiong Boon

secondary 3 chevron_right A Maths chevron_right Singapore

Help please thank you!

Date Posted: 1 year ago
Views: 127

See 1 Answer

To find define the number of real roots, use the formula b²-4ac; where a, b and c are from ax²+bx+c; if:
i) b²-4ac<0 then the equation has no real roots
ii) b²-4ac=0 to then the equation has 1 repeating real root
iii) b²-4ac>0 then the equation 2 different, real roots

as such, for the equation, x²-10x+(4-m)>0
a=1; b= -10; c=4-m, hence for b²-4ac<0

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