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primary 6 | Maths | Algebra
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Amelie tan
Amelie Tan

primary 6 chevron_right Maths chevron_right Algebra chevron_right Singapore

Could u please help me and explain to me how the question works I don’t rlly understand

Date Posted: 1 year ago
Views: 324

See 4 Answers

a) Perimeter of triangle = 3a + 3a + (a+2)
= 7a + 2
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Kai Chew
Kai Chew's answer
50 answers (Tutor Details)
Amelie tan
Amelie Tan
1 year ago
Amelie tan
Amelie Tan
1 year ago
c) when a = 6
Length of one side of each square
= 7/4 a + 1/2 = 7/4 (6) + 1/2 = 11
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Kai Chew
Kai Chew's answer
50 answers (Tutor Details)
b) Length of wire = Perimeter of triangle = 7a + 2
Perimeter of square = 7a + 2
Length of each side of square = (7a+2)/4
= 7/4 a + 1/2
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Kai Chew
Kai Chew's answer
50 answers (Tutor Details)
Amelie tan
Amelie Tan
1 year ago
Thx for me helping me but I don’t rlly understand what you mean by 7/4
Kai Chew
Kai Chew
1 year ago
7/4 is the fraction “7 over 4”
Kai Chew
Kai Chew
1 year ago
7 divided by 4
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Chia Jun Er, Ashley
Chia Jun Er, Ashley's answer
13 answers (Tutor Details)
Included explanation in question, hope this helps
Amelie tan
Amelie Tan
1 year ago
Thx so much u rlly help me to understand this question a lot