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Primary 4 | Maths
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Pls explain. Tks . Do not show algebra .
(Most likely, typo)
28 - 1 - 1 - 1 - 1 = 24m²
24 ÷ 4 = 6m²
Therefore, length of square garden =6
Area = 6×6 = 36m²
Since 4 rectangles = 24m^2, 1 rectangle = 6m^2. We already know that the breadth = 1m, and hence the length has to be 6m to get an area of 6m^2. This length is also equal to the length of the square garden.
Therefore area of square garden = 36m^2
Hope it helps.
Since both are squares (big one that includes both garden and foot path, and a small one which is the garden)
We find 2 square numbers (numbers with multiplies with themselves) that has a difference of 28m^2
So for this case if we work down the line, we can see that 8x8=64 and 6x6=36 has a difference of 28m^2. Therefore the answer is 36m^2
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