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junior college 2 | H1 Maths
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Rickie Rene
Rickie Rene

junior college 2 chevron_right H1 Maths chevron_right Singapore

Organize your research results

Researchers and academics publish scholarly articles that present the results of their research using data they have gathered. Research papers describe the process of testing hypotheses and models, and how these findings shape or advance a research topic. The results section of academic articles is crucial in communicating the importance of the article.
Your research findings should be placed in a separate section of the academic article. This is because it contains only data and results. It is important to remember that this section is the main part of your research paper where you present the data you have gathered or obtained and the results of your data analysis. The academic writing must be clear, objective, and impartial. To increase your study's credibility, you should note every result that confirms or disproves your assumptions.
These tips will help you organize your research results in accordance with academic writing guidelines.
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Date Posted: 2 years ago
Views: 4289