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Secondary 1 | Maths
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Secondary 1 chevron_right Maths chevron_right Singapore

I dont really understand algebra that much and if anyone is willing to answer this question, please note down the specific steps so that i can revise it better. Thanks

Date Posted: 1 year ago
Views: 300

See 1 Answer

Since there is fraction involved, let’s see if we can remove that first.

7a/5 - 2a/5 can be written together as (7a-2a)/5.
Following that, you can solve the left side.

Sorry that I have to use my phone to express the fractions. I do not have paper with me.
When algebra is involved, the main goal is to always isolate the algebra on the left. And everything else on the right. By manipulating the equation.
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Lau Guan Yih
Lau Guan Yih's answer
56 answers (Tutor Details)
1 year ago
Thank you. I completely understand the explanation for the question
Lau Guan Yih
Lau Guan Yih
1 year ago
You are welcome, just remember it won’t be this straightforward all the time.
Sometimes the question would ask you to solve
7a-2a=16 instead.
The answer would then be