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primary 6 | Maths | Ratio
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primary 6 chevron_right Maths chevron_right Ratio chevron_right Singapore

Pls help.. thank u in advance

Date Posted: 2 years ago
Views: 422

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Lau Guan Yih
Lau Guan Yih's answer
59 answers (Tutor Details)
Since Alisha is present in both. We know that the difference between the two total is the difference in Mohan vs Jane.
2 years ago
Thx but what about b) ?
Lau Guan Yih
Lau Guan Yih
2 years ago
Sorry, I didn’t see it.
Since we know that the difference is 200.
We can look at the ratio as Mohan has 5 units more than Jane.
So 5units = 200 stickers
1 unit = 40 Stickers
Find the amount of stickers either Jane or Mohan has and subtract 608 or 408 from the answer.
Mohan 9 Units = 360 stickers
Jane 4 Units = 160 stickers

Alisha = 608 - 360 = 248 stickers
Alisha = 408 - 160 = 248 stickers