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secondary 4 | E Maths
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secondary 4 chevron_right E Maths chevron_right Singapore


Date Posted: 2 years ago
Views: 378
Eric Nicholas K
Eric Nicholas K
2 years ago
They did not say that y is directly proportional to x, so you CANNOT write y = kx.

Twice of the square of x means twice of x², or in short 2x².

So, y is directly proportional to 2x². We can write this as

y = p(2x²) where p is a constant of proportionality
y = 2px²

or simply

y = kx² (since 2p is a constant of proportionality in itself).

When x is increased by 50%, the new value of x is now 150% of the old value of x, so the new value of x is "1.5x".

Using the proportionality equation y = kx², we get the following.

New value of y
= k (new value of x)²
= k (1.5x)²
= k (2.25x²)
= 2.25kx²
= 2.25 times the old value of y
= 225% of the old value of y

So, the percentage increase in y is 225% - 100% = 125%.

See 2 Answers

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Nicholas Lee
Nicholas Lee's answer
35 answers (A Helpful Person)
It is same as the method in the comment.
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Elijah Seow
Elijah Seow's answer
22 answers (Tutor Details)
y becomes 2.25 the initial when x increase by 50% (1.5x), y has increased by 1.25, which is 125%