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junior college 1 | H2 Maths
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Piano guy potato
Piano Guy Potato

junior college 1 chevron_right H2 Maths chevron_right Singapore

Please help thanks

Date Posted: 2 years ago
Views: 536
Piano guy potato
Piano Guy Potato
2 years ago
The topic is circular measure
Eric Nicholas K
Eric Nicholas K
2 years ago
I have included one possible working below. There is another way, but using integration.
Eric Nicholas K
Eric Nicholas K
2 years ago
On a coordinate axes, we can set two random points such as (0, 0) and (14, 0) to denote the centres of the two circles.

Suppose the circle with centre (0, 0) has radius 12 cm and the circle with centre (14, 0) has radius 10 cm.

Letting 1 cm = 1 unit, the equations of our two circles would be

x² + y² = 144
(x - 14)² + y² = 100

We will only consider the portion of the graph above the y-axis for simplicity.

What we need to do here is to find the x-coordinate of intersection of the two circles and then perform integration on the curves using upper and lower limits (you can plot the graphs on Desmos for a rough idea). The integrals might get difficult to integrate though.

I will let you consider this alternative idea on your own for the time being.
Piano guy potato
Piano Guy Potato
2 years ago
Thank you so much!

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You may need to drag the picture a bit to see the last parts of my working