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primary 5 | Maths
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primary 5 chevron_right Maths

Please help me with this question ASAP

Date Posted: 6 years ago
Views: 922

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Faith Ng
Faith Ng's answer
56 answers (Tutor Details)
hello you need to find out the number of curry puffs sold first.

$360 (price sold) / $2 (price sold) = 180 curry puffs

to find the percentage, find total number first: 180 + 60 (left over) = 240

no. of curry puffs sold / total number of curry puffs x 100%

180/240 x 100% = 75%
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Eunice's answer
3 answers (A Helpful Person)
We know that Junhong has 240 curry puffs in total.

240 curry puffs is equal to 100%

We divide 100% with 240 to find the percentage of 1 curry puff.

A curry puff shares a percentage of (100/240)%

We know that Jun hung sold 180 curry puffs.

By multiplying 180 to (100/240)%, we will get the percentage of how much he sold.