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primary 6 | Science
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julia Liang
Julia Liang

primary 6 chevron_right Science chevron_right Singapore

Why is the answer not 1?

Date Posted: 2 years ago
Views: 680
Boy Mow Chau
Boy Mow Chau
2 years ago
gravitational force on an object is greater when the object has greater mass. since the solid cylinder has greater mass than the hollow cylinder, there is greater gravitational force acting on the solid cylinder.

similarly, potential energy and friction are also dependent on the mass of the object.

answer should be (4) ... reason : kinetic energy is energy possess by MOVING objects. when the cylinders are resting, what is their kinetic energy?

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If I am not wrong, the answer should be 2. Potential energy will convert to kinetic energy rolling down the ramp.
Potential energy(stored energy in the cylinder) ->(converted to) kinetic energy(rolling down the ramp.)

Or the answer key might be wrong.
But do remember that gravitational force/gravity acts on everything,whether it is flying or lying on the ground, or whether it is moving or stationary.
Hope this helps!
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