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Primary 4 | Science
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Shwetha Ravi
Shwetha Ravi

Primary 4 chevron_right Science

It is a science heat energy question

Date Posted: 7 years ago
Views: 2026

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Wang Shimin
Wang Shimin's answer
1 answers (Tutor Details)
X will decrease as cold air contracts, leading to lower pressure in the flask and higher pressure in the atmosphere. This causes the ink droplets to shift towards the flask and towards itself.
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Shashanth's answer
13 answers (A Helpful Person)
(a) X will decrease.

(b) The air inside the flask lost heat to the ice in the trough causing the air to contract. At this moment, the ink drops move closer to each other as they have enough space to do so. This causes X, which is the distance between the two drops of ink, to decrease.