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Hi, I provide 1 to 1 tuition, $90/1.5h, can cover English / Maths / Science, ex-school teacher, can produce teaching cert from NIE, WhatsApp 9033 8810 or email [email protected] :)
Date Posted:
2 years ago
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when rounding to nearest hundred look at the number in the tens column. if tens digit is 0,1,2,3,4 - round down to previous hundred (hundreds number does not change)
if tens digit is 5,6,7,8,9 - round up to next hundred, tens digit goes up by 1!
working backwards in this question (b), in 266950 the tens digit is 9, +1 is 10.
basically u r rounding up 950 to 1000. thats why from 266950 the rounded up (to the nearest hundred) number is 267000.
if tens digit is 5,6,7,8,9 - round up to next hundred, tens digit goes up by 1!
working backwards in this question (b), in 266950 the tens digit is 9, +1 is 10.
basically u r rounding up 950 to 1000. thats why from 266950 the rounded up (to the nearest hundred) number is 267000.
Date Posted:
2 years ago