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Jeremy Godoy
Jeremy Godoy

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Hello do you guys know about how to find the amount of times the same base number or 2 can be multiplied times itself can get as close as possible to say some 1000 digit number or any number for that matter. Need to know the name of this specific process in logarithms and how its done. Thank you ignore the picture that's just this so I can send this message

Date Posted: 7 years ago
Views: 370

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Tham KY
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Does it help?
Jeremy Godoy
Jeremy Godoy
7 years ago
Yes basically dividing the base gives the closest power possible , your right thank you.
Jeremy Godoy
Jeremy Godoy
7 years ago
Actually still need this problem, what does it mean Lg or ln? I understand the decimal digit number like 7.144 is the exact amount of power to get 20000 using base 4, .144 is the rest of the remainder but how do you that decimal number without multiplying 4 times itself many times the results? And how would you use that number to get 20000 with the base 4 exactly?
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