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junior college 1 | H2 Maths
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Candice lim
Candice Lim

junior college 1 chevron_right H2 Maths chevron_right Singapore

Hi Mr Eric, I am stuck with another H2 Maths question. Could you kindly help me please? Thank you so much!

Date Posted: 2 years ago
Views: 529

See 3 Answers

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Eric Nicholas K
Eric Nicholas K's answer
5997 answers (Tutor Details)
Good afternoon Candice! I found that the question's missing bracketing poses a challenge as to where the brackets could be.

I found that for y = x² + (3k - 2) (x + k) (x - 1), the graph can have no real root as is the case shown here.

This is because I obtained my discriminant of roots as

D = (3k - 2) (k - 1) times [(3k - 2) (k - 1) - 4k] and I found that there was no way I could combine them, and upon inspection, indeed I could not prove the "always real roots" case.

Instead, I tried a different bracketing arrangement y = x² + (3k - 2) x + k(k - 1) and found that on Desmos, the graph always has two real roots! Will work my answers based on this later.
Candice lim
Candice Lim
2 years ago
Thanks Mr Eric !
Totally agreed with your findings :)
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Eric Nicholas K
Eric Nicholas K's answer
5997 answers (Tutor Details)
Good afternoon Candice! Here are my workings for the proving part and part (i).
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Eric Nicholas K
Eric Nicholas K's answer
5997 answers (Tutor Details)
Good afternoon Candice! Here are my workings for part (ii).

The fact that 3k - 2 = 0 goes to show that for quadratic curves which have their turning points at the y-axis itself, the line of symmetry must be the y-axis itself, so the coefficient of x has to be zero.
Candice lim
Candice Lim
2 years ago
Yes, I got it now :)
Thank you very much, Mr Eric!