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junior college 1 | H2 Maths
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Leong kai le
Leong Kai Le

junior college 1 chevron_right H2 Maths

Im confused

Date Posted: 8 years ago
Views: 612

See 2 Answers

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Mong Chang Hsi
Mong Chang Hsi's answer
39 answers (Tutor Details)
Sorry if my handwriting is shit or i made some calculation mistakes as i did it in a rush. But the train of thought is there. Please follow the red color lines as well as the working to understand my train of thought about this question.
Guan Ri Oh
Guan Ri Oh
8 years ago
The steps and workings are correct, but I feel that logically speaking the container should have a circular base so I recommend you include that in your total surface area.
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Siti Nurain Abdul Hamid
Siti Nurain Abdul Hamid's answer
4 answers (Tutor Details)
I assumed the bottom of the cylinder is closed. Since Volume is already given, express h in terms of r so that it can be substituted into the Area (A) equation. The question is asking for least surface area, so the differential equation we need to find will be dA / dr. After eqauting dA/dr =0,we can find r and check if the value of r gives us the minimum surface area. From there, you can multiply the Area with the cost to find the minimum surface area cost.

(my r looks like a v so I apologise for that!)