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secondary 3 | A Maths
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secondary 3 chevron_right A Maths

I have recieve one tutotr help regarding qn 6b and 6c, but i do not understand why divide the equation by cosAcosB... is CosAcosB a method? What is the purpose of CosACosB?

Date Posted: 7 years ago
Views: 2564

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Guan Ri Oh
Guan Ri Oh's answer
118 answers (Tutor Details)
It's not a formula but a mixture of intuition and the result of hours of practice with questions like these. I know I need tan A from sinAcosB, so I need to divide by cosB to have sinA, then divide by cosA to have tanA. Everything else falls perfectly after that.
7 years ago
Oooo icic, so i juz divide the numerator and denominator by cos A and cos B to attain the ans that they want?
Guan Ri Oh
Guan Ri Oh
7 years ago
Yes. Hope that helps.