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primary 5 | Science
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primary 5 chevron_right Science chevron_right Singapore

Why is the answer 4?

Date Posted: 2 years ago
Views: 526
salted egg
Salted Egg
2 years ago
cloud is wrongly classified as cloud is not gas. you cannot see gas. instead, cloud is suppose to be classified as "liquid"
Boy Mow Chau
Boy Mow Chau
2 years ago
statement "... you cannot see gas ..." is incorrect generalization.

fact : most, but not all, gases are invisible.

common gases like oxygen, carbon dioxide, nitrogen, etc, are all invisible, but there are some substances like chlorine & bromine that are visible in their gaseous state. these are not within primary school science syllabus. but are covered in secondary school science.
salted egg
Salted Egg
2 years ago
ohh thanks for the info
Arth Mishra
Arth Mishra
2 years ago
Clouds are in semi- solid form and thus don't fit in any of the given groups. But they still are a form of water.

See 1 Answer

clouds are created when water vapour condenses. Thus clouds are actually formed by many water droplets and therefore it is actually liquid.
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