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primary 6 | Maths
| Measurement
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Every time Mat runs 5 m, Norman runs 3 m. Let’s count this configuration as one block.
For every block completed, the gap/distance between Mat and Norman decreases by 2 m (because Mat runs faster to catch up with Norman).
Since 10/2 = 5, we can conclude that we need five blocks of time/movement for Mat to catch up with Norman.
By this time, the distance moved by Mat
= 5 x 5
= 25 m
Mat starts 10m behind Norman.
We can say Mat starts at 0m and Norman starts at 10m.
List increases in multiples of 3 for Norman and multiples of 5 for Mat. Look for the value where the two have the same distance and the same number of increases.
0 5 10 15 20 25 30 35 ...
10 13 16 19 22 25 28 31 ...
You can see at 25m, Mat has caught up with Norman.
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