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Primary 4 | Science
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Primary 4 chevron_right Science chevron_right Singapore

Why is the answer 2?

Date Posted: 3 years ago
Views: 632
3 years ago
A: the dented side of the ping pong ball will expand when placed in the hot water, causing the shape to change. thus A is correct
B: as the ping pong ball is pushed into the water, the water level will increase. thus B is correct
C: from A, the ping pong ball goes back to its original shape, which is larger than the shape when it is dented. Thus, the volume inside the ping pong ball increases, and C is correct
D: there is no gain or lost in water, thus the volume of water does not change. thus D is wrong.

therefore the answer is 2

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Desmond Yong
Desmond Yong's answer
6 answers (Tutor Details)
Hope this helps!
The ping pong ball and water are matters and they occupy space. When the ping pong ball occupies some space of the water, some water will be displaced upwards, increasing the water level.
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Hiderapplecross's answer
1783 answers (Tutor Details)
3 years ago
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