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secondary 2 | Maths
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Sarah Lee
Sarah Lee

secondary 2 chevron_right Maths chevron_right Singapore

I have to first work out the gradient of the line using the given points.

Date Posted: 2 years ago
Views: 407
2 years ago
You don't really have to do that.

The gradient found using any 2 points will be the same as another set of 2 points.

Formula for gradient : (y2 - y1)/(x2 - x1)

So, we can have the following sets :

(-1,-1) & (k,23)
(k,23) and (3,15)

The gradients calculated are equal.

(23 - (-1))/(k - (-1)) = (15 - 23)/(3 - k)

24 / (k + 1) = -8/(3 - k)

Cross multiply,

24(3 - k) = -8(k + 1)

72 - 24k = -8k - 8

72 + 8 = -8k + 24k

80 = 16k

k = 80/16 = 5
Sarah Lee
Sarah Lee
2 years ago
thank you so much you've helped me a lot i understand it now:) x
2 years ago

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hope this helpsss
Sarah Lee
Sarah Lee
2 years ago
Thank You So Much! I appreciate it:)
Sarah Lee
Sarah Lee
2 years ago
thank you so much i truly appreciate it!! x