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junior college 2 | H3 Maths
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junior college 2 chevron_right H3 Maths chevron_right Singapore

So sorry but may i have explanation on how to do que 5-7? Taking this module now but have never learned such content before hence really struggling

Date Posted: 3 years ago
Views: 675
3 years ago
I supposed if you have not learnt before, you still have to put in effort to learn. You cannot rely on teachers here to explain theory in detail! How details do you want? All teachers here are just writing out solutions with brief explanations. Hope you understand. I will wait if other teacher are willing to help you with detail explanation. Otherwise, if no one help, I will upload my solution later.
3 years ago
Sorry about this but i really went to watch youtube videos to help in my understanding. But questions given by lecturer only has final answer. Which i have been trying for days but could not get it. This is actually wk 4 content but now is already wk 7. Its really difficult as there are no working solutions. As the weeks pass by, more content are being taught and i am trying to catch up with my understanding. After being stuck for days i had to turn to this platform and is really my last resort. Sorry

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Physchemtutor's answer
1551 answers (A Helpful Person)
3 years ago
Thank you for the summary, is quite useful as i managed to get most of the answers.
3 years ago
Good news