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secondary 3 | A Maths
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secondary 3 chevron_right A Maths

I am not really good at circles question and need help for the whole question here. Would greatly appreciate detailed steps and working for all parts. Thanks a lot!

Date Posted: 7 years ago
Views: 643

See 4 Answers

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Mong Chang Hsi
Mong Chang Hsi's answer
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Guan Ri Oh
Guan Ri Oh's answer
118 answers (Tutor Details)
The method provided by Mong Chang Hsi is not wrong, just that he made a small mistake right at the start. It should be y=2x-6 instead of y=6-2x.
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Guan Ri Oh
Guan Ri Oh's answer
118 answers (Tutor Details)
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Mong Chang Hsi
Mong Chang Hsi's answer
39 answers (Tutor Details)
Please do note that the sketching of the circles is incorrect. It is there to just ease the explanation of the last part. This sketch is not required to be drawn during examination.