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Secondary 1 | Maths
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Secondary 1 chevron_right Maths chevron_right Singapore

pls help for these science questions ASAP

Date Posted: 3 years ago
Views: 223

See 1 Answer

The answer is B. You should not fill the chemical to the brim as effervescence might occur and without know the composition it might be dangerous. While heating any Chemical you should not use any stopper as certain chemicals release gas when trapped in test tube it might be dangerous.
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Balaji Nila
Balaji Nila's answer
26 answers (Tutor Details)
3 years ago
how about q1,2,4,5??
3 years ago
there are a total of 5 questions that I’m at very much unsure of
Balaji Nila
Balaji Nila
3 years ago
Q1 A

we should not pour th unused chemical back into the original bottle as chemicals in the test tubes might oxidise as it's exposed to the aie. .. Where in the original bottle... It is not exposed so it's still in its pure form
Balaji Nila
Balaji Nila
3 years ago
Q4 A
length - metre
Mass- kilo gram

Reference :

Do learn and note it down in note book it will help u in future studies
Balaji Nila
Balaji Nila
3 years ago
Q5 C

If both the solid has equal volume but one has higher mass it said to have higher density hence option is C
Balaji Nila
Balaji Nila
3 years ago
Q2 is a trick question as all the options are some what abuse to technology but I m thinking the option is A because it's used as a weapon during war. Please do clarify with your school techer once.
3 years ago
ok thank you so much and ty for the link
Balaji Nila
Balaji Nila
3 years ago
No problem