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primary 6 | Maths
| Measurement
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= 60.5 cm²
Both shaded triangles have same base length of 11 cm.
Their combined height (which is 90°/perpendicular to the base) is equal to the length of the square.
½ × 11 cm × (height of smaller ▲) + ½ × 11 cm × (height of bigger shaded ▲)
= ½ × 11 cm × (height of bigger of smaller ▲ + bigger ▲)
= ½ × 11 cm × 11cm
= ½ × area of the square.
The same reasoning is used for the two unshaded △s.
This is called the distributive law of multiplication.
Then height of bigger ▲ is 11 cm - 4 cm = 7 cm
Combined area
= ½ × 11 cm × 7 cm + ½ × 11 cm × 4 cm
= ½ × 77 cm² + ½ × 44 cm²
= 38.5 cm² + 22 cm²
= 60.5 cm²
But notice that this is the same as :
½ × 11 cm × (7 cm + 4 cm)
= ½ × 11 cm × 11 cm
= ½ × 121 cm²
= 60.5 cm²
We can rewrite ½ × 11cm as 6½ cm and then it just becomes a case of adding 7 groups of 6½ to 4 groups of 6½, to get 11 groups of 6½
No matter what height each ▲ has, the total is always 11 cm.
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The whole square can be divided into 4 rectangles. Notice that for every shaded part (▲) , there is an identical unshaded part with the same area (△). So all the shaded ▲s form up half the total area of the square. (The other half is made up of unshaded △s)
So area of shaded = area of unshaded = ½ × 11 cm × 11 cm = 60.5 cm²