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primary 6 | Maths | Data Analysis
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primary 6 chevron_right Maths chevron_right Data analysis chevron_right Singapore

Hi will like to find out if im able to just use $30 divide by $5 (1 big car and 1 small car diff) for the steps ?
Pls kindly show the steps for this if possible thanks

Date Posted: 3 years ago
Views: 516
3 years ago
Yes. Correct.
3 years ago
Since the same number of cars are washed, this means that there must be more big cars washed by Team D than Team A.

We can think of it as replacing a small car to be washed, with a big car. In a sense, we are 'changing' the Team A to Team D.

For each small car replaced, the Team earns $5 more.

$15 - $10 = $5

Number of small cars to be replaced
= $30 ÷ $5
= 6

This means that there are actually 6 more big cars washed by Team D than Team A.

Number of big cars Team D washed
= 5 + 6
= 11

There is no need to use assumption
3 years ago
Thanks, but the question is how do i show the calculation to account for 5 big cars? Because is 5 + 6 (6 cars from previous step)
3 years ago
You don't need to show any working for the 5 big cars.

It is understood that to get the number of big cars for Team D, you're using the difference of 6 big cars and adding it to the 5 big cars for Team A to get this
3 years ago
Ok got it thanks

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