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Secondary 1 | Maths
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Secondary 1 chevron_right Maths chevron_right Singapore

I'm having trouble with this qns pls explain to me thanks in advance!!! :D

Date Posted: 3 years ago
Views: 233

See 2 Answers

90 km / hr
Convert to m and mins
90000m / 60 mins
Now they want 1 min
90,000 / 60 = 1500 m/min
done {{ upvoteCount }} Upvotes
clear {{ downvoteCount * -1 }} Downvotes
Mj's answer
103 answers (A Helpful Person)
Speed limit : 1500 m/mins
Travel 4200m find minutes needed first
= 4200/1500 = 2.8 mins

Answer wants in seconds .
1min = 60 sec
2.8 min = 60 x 2.8 = 168 seconds
done {{ upvoteCount }} Upvotes
clear {{ downvoteCount * -1 }} Downvotes
Mj's answer
103 answers (A Helpful Person)