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primary 6 | Maths | Fractions
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primary 6 chevron_right Maths chevron_right Fractions chevron_right Singapore


Date Posted: 3 years ago
Views: 300

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Kenta Philip Endo
Kenta Philip Endo's answer
5 answers (Tutor Details)
For this question, do take note of the hint they gave you when they said that “for every 50 bears sold, 5 do not have bows.” When you break this down, it means for each set of 50 bears, 45 have bows and 5 do not have bows. Then, use this to find the total cost of each set of 50 bears and divide the earnings of $7800 from the cost of each set of 50. This way, you can find the number of sets sold and multiply that number with 45 to get the total number of bears with bows sold! :)
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Kenta Philip Endo
Kenta Philip Endo's answer
5 answers (Tutor Details)
For this question, do take note of the hint they gave you when they said that “for every 50 bears sold, 5 do not have bows.” When you break this down, it means for each set of 50 bears, 45 have bows and 5 do not have bows. Then, use this to find the total cost of each set of 50 bears and divide the earnings of $7800 from the cost of each set of 50. This way, you can find the number of sets sold and multiply that number with 45 to get the total number of bears with bows sold! :)