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secondary 4 | A Maths
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secondary 4 chevron_right A Maths chevron_right Singapore

need help with this qn, pls explain too

Date Posted: 3 years ago
Views: 221
Eric Nicholas K
Eric Nicholas K
3 years ago
First part not in syllabus, but if you are curious, for y = 4 times x^0.5…

The graph will be same shape as quadratic graph, except that the roles of the x-axis and the y-axis are reversed.

Means, if you normally take a piece of paper and sketch a smiley face curve, you will rotate your graph 90 degrees clockwise, and the shape of the y = 4x^0.5 graph will be like that.
Eric Nicholas K
Eric Nicholas K
3 years ago
Part 2 is regular simul, or slightly more difficult.
3 years ago
i didnt manage do part 2, subbed 4x^1/2 into the 2nd eqn and squared the whole equation to remove the square root but i got the wrong answer
3 years ago
my working:
16 (sqrt x) = 7x +4
256x =49x^2 + 16
x = 5.16 x=0.06326

but the answer key stated x=4/49 and x=4
Eric Nicholas K
Eric Nicholas K
3 years ago
Because (7x2 + 4)^2 is not 49x2 + 16

(a + b)^2 is different from a^2 + b^2 remember?
Eric Nicholas K
Eric Nicholas K
3 years ago
256x = 49x2 + 56x + 16
3 years ago
ohh, we cant square the numbers individually? like (16x^1/2)^2= (7x)^2 + 4^2 as i actually intended to do that
Eric Nicholas K
Eric Nicholas K
3 years ago
Squaring has a different effect though.

Try drawing a square of sides (a + b) by (a + b) and then cut it accordingly. You will have a square of side a by a, a square of side b by b and two more rectangles of side a by b.
3 years ago
thx :) by the way do you have any tips to improve for proving questions? i always get stucked at every single proving questions i see...
Eric Nicholas K
Eric Nicholas K
3 years ago
There are lots of techniques to prove things, even in Trigo proving

- Convert expressions into sines and cosines only
- Pay attention to the structure of the signs and the fractions (is it a single fraction? Does it contain minus signs?)
- Rationalise if necessary
- Use basic identities if necessary
- Use substitutions if necessary, especially if double angle for A and 0.5A is involved
- Other techniques I have not mentioned yet might also work
3 years ago
trigo functions can be rationalised? for the double angles there is 3 different ways for cosine but it is difficult to tell which one to use tho...
3 years ago
btw can you help me with the new question i've posted? its already answered by someone but i still dont understand what 9(ii) is asking... (i've understood qn12)
Eric Nicholas K
Eric Nicholas K
3 years ago
Remind me again, I might forget but I am quite tired now, I have actually already forgotten about this
3 years ago
Eric Nicholas K
Eric Nicholas K
3 years ago
trigo functions can be rationalised? for the double angles there is 3 different ways for cosine but it is difficult to tell which one to use tho...


Sometimes when I see 1 + cos x in the denominator, I multiply it by 1 - cos x. This is useful when encountering fractions like 1 / (1 + cos x) because you cannot divide a numerator 1 by a denominator containing two terms, whereas the resulting denominator after rationalisation can be simplified into a single term leading to easy breakage of fractions.

For cosine, I look out for the number "1" accompanying it. If I see things like 1 + cos 2A, then my version for cosine would be the one that contains -1 (so as to cancel out the 1 during addition), and if I see things like 1 - cos 2A, I would pick the one that contains 1 (to cancel out the 1 during subtraction). If I see things like (a + b) (a - b) happening (as is the case for the other format I have not mentioned), then I will take that form.
Eric Nicholas K
Eric Nicholas K
3 years ago
btw can you help me with the new question i've posted? its already answered by someone but i still dont understand what 9(ii) is asking... (i've understood qn12)


"Distance OX" simply means the straight-line distance from O to X, which is basically the displacement of X from the reference position O, though our value will be quoted as positive values in the event the displacement value comes out negative.

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