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junior college 1 | H2 Maths
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junior college 1 chevron_right H2 Maths chevron_right Singapore

Hii can u help me with the last part of this qns pls?? Thanku!!!

Date Posted: 3 years ago
Views: 512
3 years ago
Separate the terms first.

∫ (x² + x)/(x² + 9)² dx

= ∫ x²/(x² + 9)² dx + ∫ x/(x² + 9)² dx

Notice that the first term can be integrated using the result you have obtained in the first part. (Follow Tham KY's working in the earlier post)

The second term is directly integrable :

∫ x/(x² + 9)² dx

= ½∫ 2x(x² + 9)⁻² dx

= ½ (-(x² + 9)⁻¹)

= -1/[2(x² + 9)]

(No need to + c since we have a definite integral)

You can try differentiating it to get back the original expression

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