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secondary 2 | Maths
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secondary 2 chevron_right Maths

My answer,
4 (p + 21r) / (p + 3r). Please advice I'd it's correct.

Date Posted: 7 years ago
Views: 383
Robin Loh
Robin Loh
7 years ago
Not correct. Try again
Robin Loh
Robin Loh
7 years ago
To check if your answer is right, you can let p be a number and q be another number. Example: p = 7 and q = 3.

Substitute these 2 values in the original question as well as your final answer. Both answers must be the same. If they are not the same, you must have made some careless mistake somewhere.

If both answers are the same, check if your final answer can be simplified further. If it cannot be simplified further, you have got the answer!
7 years ago
Oh, I know where my mistake is. I didn't expand in my second line. Thanks for your encouragement.

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Tham KY
Tham Ky's answer
6052 answers (Tutor Details)
7 years ago
Thank you for your clear workings.