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Primary 4 | Maths
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Wesley wan
Wesley Wan

Primary 4 chevron_right Maths chevron_right Singapore

Answer is correct but wrong method. Can I know if the marker of the exam will still mark it as correct?

Date Posted: 3 years ago
Views: 389
AC Lim
AC Lim
3 years ago
To me is acceptable.
As you make all 3 items to the same price 1st.
Always, there is not only one way to solve mathematic questions.

Let other comments too.

My working
3u = 5184 - 909 -765 - 765
3u = 2745
u = 915
3 years ago
Perfectly acceptable working.

The term 'wrong method' is wrong itself. There's nothing wrong with your working.

Perhaps your teacher meant to say that your method is less direct/not as fast since you actually found sofa first, then worked to find bed.
3 years ago
But to be honest, your working has about the same number of steps as your teacher's. So no issue at all
AC Lim
AC Lim
3 years ago
I believe 'wrong method' refer to method teach by teacher :) as teacher haven't teach this method yet. :)
Your method will be granted mark in PSLE exam.
3 years ago
But it's basically the same method. It's just a matter of finding which item first.
3 years ago
So it can't be that the teacher said Wesley's is wrong, but he/she provides one that utilises the same technique of making all 3 same-sized units. The teacher would be contradicting himself/herself.
3 years ago
Wesley, please ask your teacher why this is wrong when you have the opportunity.

He/she needs to clarify.

See 1 Answer

Yes, your working is perfectly fine. It will be accepted and full marks will be given. Any method that is logically sound and mathematically correct will be marked and credited accordingly.
Why did your teacher/tutor call it wrong method? Did he/she specifically ask you to make all to the same value as the bed?
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