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Secondary 1 | Maths
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Jennifer Yeo
Jennifer Yeo

Secondary 1 chevron_right Maths chevron_right Singapore

I don’t understand the question.

Date Posted: 3 years ago
Views: 527
3 years ago
each pack sold at $5

No of items in 1 pack:
sausage rolls = 1 pack = 5 items
mini tuna buns = 1 pack = 8 items
almond biscuits = 1 pack = 12 items

Gina plans to buy same number of items of sausage rolls, mini tuna buns and almond biscuits

sausage rolls = 24 packs * 5 = 120 items
mini tuna buns = 15 packs * 8 = 120 items
almond biscuits = 10 packs * 12 = 120 items

Least amount she would spend =
No. of packs * cost of each pack =
24 packs * 5 + 15 packs *5 + 10 packs * 5 =
= 120 + 75 + 50 = 245

She would spend the least amount of $ 245.

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