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primary 5 | Maths | Fractions
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primary 5 chevron_right Maths chevron_right Fractions chevron_right Singapore

I forgot how to do this question....

Date Posted: 3 years ago
Views: 429
3 years ago
2/5 can be taken to mean 2 units out of 5.

Since he needs to share it with 3 friends, that 2/5 of the pie has to be divided among the 4 of them.

But 2 cannot be divided by 4 to give a whole number.

So divide further, and change the numerator and denominator.

Most importantly the numerator must be divisible by 4.

2/5 × 2/2 = 4/10

Now we have 4 units.

4/10 ÷ 4 = 1/10

Each person gets 1/10 of the pie

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Tutor May Ho, Ex MOE Trained
Tutor May Ho, Ex Moe Trained's answer
63 answers (Tutor Details)
You need to include Jackson as he shares with his friends. Hope you understand.
3 years ago
Thank you. I understand it very well