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primary 5 | Maths | Area & Volume
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primary 5 chevron_right Maths chevron_right Area & Volume chevron_right Singapore

Please help me !! Thank you 4 ur help!! Thanks !!

Date Posted: 3 years ago
Views: 360
3 years ago
A cube has 6 faces.

Total surface area of a 4×4×4 cube
= 4cm × 4 cm per face × 6 faces
= 96cm².


On each face of the 4×4×4 cube, there are only 4 unit blocks that have 1 face painted.
(The middle 4)

On each face of the 4×4×4 cube, removing these 4 unit blocks results in removing 4 exposed small square faces from the cube.

But, it also reveals another 4 small squares below these blocks, as well as another 8 on the sides that were previously blocked.

So overall, on each face, a nett total of 8 more faces are exposed.

Total surface area

= 96cm² + 8 × 1cm × 1cm for each face × 6 faces

= 96cm² + 48cm²

= 144cm²
3 years ago
Thanks you v.much !!I appreciate it

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