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secondary 4 | E Maths
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secondary 4 chevron_right E Maths chevron_right Singapore

How to find the coordinates? Can help with all 3 parts and explain?

Date Posted: 3 years ago
Views: 662

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Sheny's answer
15 answers (A Helpful Person)
Hi IdeKyat! Some basic knowledge you need to know about this topic before you answer the practice questions:

1. In the coordinates (_,_), the first value is the x value and the second value is the y value. Therefore, the coordinates will be (x,y).

2. You will see at point A, the point is on the y-axis. At any point on the y-axis, the value of x=0. so at point A, will be (0,y). so u then sub x=0 into the equation given to find y

3. You will see at point B the point is on the x-axis. At any point on the x-axis, the value of y=0. so at point A, will be (x,0). so u then sub y=0 into the equation given to find x.

4. part c) combines concept from part a) and part b)

Hope you understand my explanations. don't hesitate to ask if you still need help